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My Art Studio

This is a view from my art studio located at Art 105 in Kinston, North Carolina.

For those who have not heard of Art 105, it is an art studio and gallery where artists can rent a studio space and are able to create their artwork and sell their work from their own studio. We have a total of 18 studio artists, from painters to potters, who are able to come and go as they please. Every artist has their own personal times when they are present in their studio. For that reason, we have flexible open hours to the public. We are generally open Monday thru Saturday from 1pm-5pm.

After being at Art 105 close to a year, I feel that I have progressed a lot in my painting. It has given me more time to paint from the convenience that it is only two blocks away from where I work. It also has a creative atmosphere where you are more inspired to paint. It is also nice to paint with other local artists who are helpful with advice and critiques.

I am typically there from 1pm-3pm during the week and from 1pm-5pm on any random day I am off work. If you are in the Kinston area, stop by and see the artwork that Art 105 has to offer!

For more information about Art 105, follow on facebook.

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